custom orthotics

What is a Custom Orthotic or Arch Support?

Custom Orthotics are a prescribed medical device used by podiatrists to help correct foot posture, restore motion, and alleviate foot pain. Think of these devices similar to dental braces or eyeglasses. Orthotics are used to treat numerous foot conditions in any patient from active runners to diabetic feet. By redistributing the pressure on the bottom of your feet, you’ll reduce discomfort, pain, and calluses.

Custom orthotics are specially-made devices designed to support and comfort your feet. They are crafted uniquely for you, by matching the contours of your feet to optimize how you move. Orthotics are only manufactured after a podiatrist has conducted a complete evaluation of your feet, so the orthotic can accommodate your unique foot structure and pathology.

Podiatrists use orthotics to treat foot problems such as plantar fasciitis, bursitis, tendinitis, diabetic foot ulcers, and foot. ankle, and heel pain. Clinical research studies have shown that podiatrist-prescribed foot orthotics decrease foot pain and improve function.

Traditionally, plaster casting is used to make an impression of your foot for the orthotic molds. However, newer technology like 3D Digital Scanners provide impression accuracy to the micrometer without the mess of plaster cast and without long turnaround time. Prescription orthotics are made of top-notch materials that are customized to the patient’s needs and lifestyle so to optimize the longevity of the orthotics.

Orthotics typically cost more than shoe inserts purchased in a retail store, but the additional cost is usually well worth it. Unlike shoe inserts, orthotics are molded to fit each individual foot, so you can be sure that your orthotics fit and do what they're supposed to do. Many insurance plans can help pay for prescription orthotics.

Call our office to make an appointment for an orthotic evaluation.



  • Heel spurs
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Diabetic nerve pain
  • Bunions/calluses/corns
  • Arch pains
  • Shin splints
  • Arthritis


  • Custom Orthotics are an exact impression of your foot casted in a corrected position by a podiatrist. These devices are firm and calibrated to your weight.
  • Over-the-counter Orthotics are flimsy arch supports typically offered at a big-box store or non-licensed salesman.

How do I obtain Custom Orthotics?

Dr. Dreyer will first evaluate your foot condition, stance, and x-rays. Conservative treatment options will be provided which may include Custom Orthotics. He will take an impression of your feet and add any features to the device to correct your condition. Approximately four weeks later, you will have your second appointment for Custom Orthotic fitting.


At Intercoastal Medical Group, we charge $350 for Custom Orthotics. With over 100+ Physicians, we obtain volume-discounts from our manufacturers and believe the savings should be handed back to the patient. Check with your insurance to see if they provide coverage!

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